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Another Reason to Love Apple

As if I needed one...

Check out their "Apple and the Environment" page from the website.

I'm loving my iPad (post on the whys and hows of that purchase coming soon). One of the reasons I'm loving it so much is the battery life. I can go days before charging it!

I just think that Apple is so ahead of the curve in so many areas. It's not surprising that they are dedicated to reporting their life cycle and product usage impact. And check out their Recycling Program. I love you, Apple Inc.!

Now, if only I can find a great bamboo iPad case to try and review!! :)

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Trish 25 July, 2010 16:34  

oooh I'm so jealous,I'd love an ipad1 Glad you're happy with it. Best of luck with the bamboo case hunt.

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